
Occasionally, I explore public websites for translations that could be improved. See samples below for comparison.

Source text:

Unsere Women in Business Serie ist eine Eventreihe, die sich auf den beruflichen Erfolg von Frauen konzentriert. Das ganze Jahr über veranstalten wir mehrere Events für Frauen und bieten ihnen die Möglichkeit sich mit Gleichgesinnten auszutauschen.

Existing translation:

Our women In business event series focuses on the occupational success of women. All year long we host events for women and offer them the opportunity to exchange ideas with like-minded people.

My translation:

"Women in Business" is a series of events focused on women's professional success. Throughout the year, we host several women-centric events offering the opportunity to share ideas with people of similar interests.

Source text:

Das starke Netzwerk...

vernetzt Frauen und bietet gezielte Förderung für die berufliche und persönliche Entwicklung. Unser Netzwerk bringt Frauen in verantwortungsvollen Positionen in Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft zusammen und fördert einen gezielten Austausch positions- und sektorübergreifend.

Existing translation:

This strong network…

offers a plattform for career development and personal growth. Our high profile speakers provide deep insights into their respective industry and careed development. We foster fruitful exchange and support women to connect with each other and grow their business network.

My translation:

Our powerful network...

keeps women connected through customized support for professional and personal growth. Our network brings together women leaders in business, politics and society and promotes the exchange of ideas across different career paths and industries.